Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Reel Reviews

About A Boy -- Kind of a disappointment. Technically, it's good, and a lot of the humor hits the mark in a "below the radar" sort of way. But parts of the story--particularly the ending--rang false for me. And the dual first-person narrations were annoying. Posted 2/10/04.

Reel Reviews

Adaptation -- That is a very edgy plus sign over there; it could have been knocked down a grade. This one will not be everyone's cup of tea, and that's putting it mildly. The blurring of reality and fantasy is bound to be confusing for some, as well as off-putting. But there are redeeming features here: good performances, a script that's offbeat, intelligent and very aware, and a willingness to take risks. Try it if you're in the adventurous mood. Posted 2/10/04.