Friday, June 6, 2014

For the Record, Scale Check

I'm on a roll.

Once again, I've achieved a new low weight. This time it's a relatively large jump, dropping 2 pounds in about a week. This is especially encouraging, since my bike has been in the shop all week, and I won't get it back till Monday--which means I've lost more weight even though I haven't actually exercised since last Saturday. I take this to mean that my steadiness at maintaining the exercise regimen lately has paid off; that is, that my body has gotten used to being in "metabolize mode" and remains there, for the present at least, even without the bolstering benefit of my regular exercise. I'm eager to get the bike back, and get back in the swing of things, to see how far this thing can go before I plateau again.

If I can drop even three more pounds before the end of the month, I'll be deliriously happy with these results.

Monday, June 2, 2014

For the Record, Scale Check

More progress. Incremental progress, to be sure; this is a bare 1.5 pounds below my last lowest weigh in a couple of weeks ago, but this one shows enough movement down to count as a real move for the better.

My resolve to improve upon this number will be tested in the upcoming week; I will not have my bike for a whole week while it's in the shop getting some repairs/upgrades, and I have a giant blister on the bottom of each of my feet (related to the bike thing in a way, but a long story), so it's unlikely I'll be getting much exercise until next week. Of course, next week will see me embark upon a two week housecatsitting gig, at a place with a) a good location with abundant biking trail access and b) a backyard pool for getting some laps in after a ride and/or work. So plenty of exercise on the horizon. Check this space again for further progress before the month is over.

Recently Read

Holy Toledo
Lessons From Bill King, Renaissance Man of the Mic
by Ken Korach

There is a dilemma that lives somewhere behind this book, one that I have experienced many a time with regards to various things in my own life: when you find something great, do you want to share it with everyone else in the world, or do you prefer to keep this great joy all to yourself?

Holy Toledo by Ken Korach
The answer depends, of course, upon the nature of the great thing. If it’s the music of some hugely talented performer, you’re bound to want to share, since there’s no real way in which your own enjoyment of a song or a musician can be diminished by others enjoying the same work. The same applies, to an extent, with a restaurant that serves great food; certainly, you want others to patronize the place, lest it should otherwise go out of business; yet, you also don’t want the joint to be too crowded during those times when you want a meal for yourself.

And then again, there are those great things that you want to keep all to yourself--or, at least, you don’t particularly care if others get to experience their share of that greatness. You’ll be perfectly happy to keep that personal favorite truly personal, to let that secret joy be your own little oasis in an otherwise desert landscape.

For many sports fans in the Bay Area, that latter sentiment surely holds true for their appreciation of the late Bill King.