Thursday, July 31, 2014

For the Record, Scale Check

So the progress continues, at a very mild pace I must say, but still it remains a downward trend. This was actually a shot from this past Tuesday, the 29th, so a couple of days out of date here. The significance of this very minor movement--just one pound below the last "official" low mark (I hit 276.5 back on the 14th, in an "unofficial" measurement)--is that this reading shows progress even after my Disneyland trip of the 17th thur the 21st. It's nice when you can go on a vacation and NOT gain a bunch of weight either then or thereafter. This bodes well for my upcoming trip to Lassen Volcano NP, which starts this Sunday and runs through Thursday, at least (still a little undecided about when I'll get back). I expect more movement downward in the next month or so, then interesting times while I'm housecatsitting in two separate places for the whole month of September. Things might get very interesting.

And it should go without saying at this point, but this does represent my lowest weight...well, probably since I've owned this scale. It's at least the lowest my weight has been since sometime in 2003, maybe even 2002. The only data point I have from that time is a 260 reading the beginning of 2002, and of course I'm still a long way away from that. But it's getting closer.