Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Stunning Similarity

I have a habit, something that developed during my years living in the relative remoteness of my last apartment, where there was little chance of being observed in my habit. Which is this: after I take a shower, I like to towel myself off, then lay down on my bed uncovered, usually with the fan on, blowing gentle breezes over me as any residual moisture is evaporated from my naked skin. I tend to indulge myself thus for perhaps a half an hour, sometimes longer, until I decide I've had enough of this particular pleasure.

Why do I mention this? Because I'm currently reading Doing Nothing by Tom Lutz, described by subtitle as "a history of loafers, loungers, slackers, and bums in America," and I came across this most germane passage:
He [Benjamin Franklin] became notorious in London in the 1760s for his daily "airbath," which consisted of lying uncovered and naked on a bed for an hour, a practice he claimed was good for one's health.

Imagine that. Me, a modern Ben Franklin! Now if only I could invent a new stove or become Postmaster of someplace...

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