I used to have an old personal web site, the late crescent & crossbones productions, whereon I had voluminous movie write-ups--almost every film I watched for nearly a decade--in the site's Reel Reviews section. Until now, on this blog, Reel Reviews was limited to the plain up, down, or indifferent signals (+, --, or ~, my foolproof, copyrighted system of film review notation) in the recent postings Reel Reviews box, over yonder there at the right. No descriptions offered.
Until now, that is. I've decided to port over those old c&cp Reel Reviews pages to this blog. This will mean, among other things, several super long posts covering one whole listing of movies. (The old Reel Reviews was always organized alphabetically.) I may need to break those posts in two, or three, or whatever seems appropriate. There will also be direct links to each movie's capsule review, much as I've recently done with the books I've written up for Recently Read features. I've begun with the S page--a product of the recently viewed Stagecoach--and will port over other pages as occasion permits.
Why am I doing this? Several reasons. One, I hated the idea of all that old stuff going to waste; I made a lot of effort in putting together that database of remarks about the movies I see, and I'd like to keep it viable and available, for myself if no one else. (Much of this blog functions as a journal for myself, as much as it does a window for the rest of the world to see through.) As I move those old pages over to Malchats Matters, they will not only be available and browesable, but searchable, too--a handy feature offered by Blogger.
There's also the fact that I'm trying to jump start myself through efforts like this; trying to recapture some of the gumption and momentum I used to have in my life. If it's possible to get that from engaging myself in minor pursuits like writing movie and book reviews, I'll take it.
So the next time you want to sit down in front of the tube and watch that not-so-recent movie, come to Malchats Matters for some straight dope on whether it's a good flick, worth it if you're bored, or an utter waste of time. From here on out, you'll have the answer at your fingertips.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
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